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Over the years negatives get lost or thrown out and all that’s left is a single print that is starting to wear. I can scan prints and create a digital photo album for you. We have entered into a digital era where many people are sharing things through the internet, especially photos.  Having a digital copy of your photos makes it easier to share memories with family or friends. Having a second copy of your photos means that if you ever lose or ruin your prints you will be able to make new ones.

With a high resolution flatbed scanner it is possible to scan anything that is two dimensional. You can bring in photographs, drawings, certificates and other documents. As long as it’s flat, it can be scanned.


Bulk Print Scanning ($30)
Limit of 100 photos. Photos will be scanned at 300ppi at the original print size and saved as JPEG files and put onto a CD (The first disc is included in the price; each additional disc is $10 each). Prints are scanned as-is; no enhancement is included. Photos must be unmounted and loose, not in photo albums.


*Please note: For bulk scanning, photos are required to be no smaller than wallet size (2 ½”x 3 ½”) and no larger than 8”x 10”. Scanning for film negatives and slides is currently unavailable. Please check back with me again.

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